Scarborough Anglolang
Scarborough is lied in the Northern England with the beauty of North Sea and Viking ruins. it has deeply attracts numerous tourists to visit. It can be named as a sapphire of North Sea.
In addition, Scarborough used to have great seashore fairs in the past decades. It has been honored as one of the most enchanted seashore resorts for the Englishman.
It is absolutely worthy visiting it when you get around in Britain.
Aside from appreciating the attractions in Scarborough, Scarborough Anglolang is one of well-known and also accredited by British Council language academies cross the UK. It provides learners a variety of professional English courses to fit in their academic purposes.
The courses in Scarborough Anglolang are listed as below :
1. Brilliant short-term & year-round language course
2. Professional English-teaching certificate course
3. Intensive IELTS preparatory course
4. Flexible Language course combined with Golf-learning course
The teaching staff in Scarborough Anglolang are certainly well-qualified and experienced to massively motivate the learners in English acquisition. Meanwhile all of them are absolutely native lecturers wearing the charming and accurate British accent with. Scarborough Anglolang would enable to be viewed as one of the most appropriate options for your English enhancement.
Scarborough Anglolang 是位於舉世聞名的英國臨北海的一所非常優質的語言學校。它獲頒英國文化協會榮譽肯定以及認證這個英國優質語言學校提供非常豐富且專業授課的各式語言課程,其中包括 :
1. 優質短期 & 全學年英文進修課程
2. 英文教師英語教學證照進修課程
3. 雅思準備考試課程
4. 英文進修課程 + 高爾夫球課程
Scarborough Anglolang 提供完善的電腦中心,校內小劇院,舒適簡餐餐廳,甚至校園建築是綠意盎然典型英式景觀,其全齊於校園內。讓你的語言學習能在一個學習設備齊全,師資專業氛圍英式風格下,有很好的學習成效。
云德爾語言® 為你做最完整的語言課程諮詢,讓你的語言精進計畫有最美好的量身設計。親身去感受體驗在這英國北海的優質語言學校是如何蘊育那深邃北英國底蘊及濃厚的維京人文及結合語言精進的學習,這一定會給予你一趟豐富值得回味的美好英式洗禮薰陶之旅。