EASA Introduction
EASA: The European Aviation Safety Agency
As we know, aviation has been playing an absolute significant role on globalization. It is a link to bring people from all over the world to be with for any purposes.
Thus Aircraft maintenance has been a huge demand to meet the global trend. Aircraft maintenance mainly is the inspection, overhaul, and modification on any sort of aeroplanes or cargo flights and their components.
Currently EASA could have become the first priority to be seriously concerned in the field of aircraft maintenance. EASA is an agency of the European Union with responsibility for aviation safety. It carries out an extremely sophisticated regulations, standardization as well as the section of aviation investigation and monitoring.
Wunder Language® has selected several brilliant and professional aviation academies with good reputation and hopefully we can assist you to receive best instructions and specific training to have the aviation future.
全球飛機維修工程專業人才,一直以來是供不應求.EASA 為歐盟飛機維修證照制度,除了美國以 FAA 為主流,近這幾年來,全球已有更多國家朝歐盟規格制度前進。
換言之,EASA 漸成為飛機維修工程主流證照;如中東、 印度、 中國大陸都已使用歐規證照,台灣也於2013 年開始啟用歐規制度。相較之下,因 EASA 較為嚴謹,若能取得這歐規證照,再去轉美規證照,是較為容易。
EASA 的持有者國際性需求高,若能取得這歐規飛機維修工程證照,等同是獲得一塊燙金的飛機維修工程叩門磚,在全球可游刃有餘。當然,在個人的外語溝通這部份絕對是要紮紮實實,方能使用自如。這些必備的條件需求全都具備,如此一來,你一手擁有國際通用的歐規證照,再加上本身努力的外語溝通習得,想必成為一位世界任你遊,掙得各種幣值,是指日可待的。
云德爾® 因應全球這股強大不可擋的潮流趨勢,加上整個亞洲已逐日成為全球各航空公司爭先要擴展的版圖,我們要為你做全面的規劃,包括你語言的精進提升計畫,以最嚴謹的服務,讓你啟程遨遊寬闊飛機維修工程之旅。
云德爾語言® 專業為你量身規劃,始自外語條件達標,直至躍身成為一位遊走世界的飛機維修工程頂尖之手,一圓航空之夢。
The world makes the way for the man who knows where he is going.